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The Rotary Club of Palatine is a civic service organization that has been active in the Palatine community for over 50 years. We are organized under Rotary International, which began in 1905 in Chicago. The mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. We meet for fun and fellowship at 7:15 every Tuesday morning at the Red Apple Pancake House & Cafe. It's located at 2121 Plum Grove Rd, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 (847) 925-8048. Please feel free to join us, or contact us at info@palatinerotary.com.
Oktoberfest Homepage Hope you were able to join us for Oktoberfest 2017! The fun starts again next year! Mark your calendar for September 14-16 2018!Oktoberfest Sponsorship
Let the community see your business doing good!
Tuesday Meeting Speakers
- 2025-03-18 Marg Duer - Sister Cities
- 2025-03-25 Club Business - Classification Talk: Aleena
- 2025-04-22 Club Business - Classification Talks: Jacquese and the New Director
- 2025-05-27 Club Business - Classification Talk: Melissa
New Member Spotlight
LaToya Banks joined the Club on December 5, greeted here by
President Al and Matt Bickel.
News & Notes
Ann Portmann, an RN case manager for Journeycare, spoke to us about Hospice and Palliative Care.
Narayan Murarka of the Barrington Breakfast Club announced that the Rotary Foundation funded an international service project for over $500,000! This project will provide clean water, sanitation facilities, and education to almost 50 schools and up to 18,000 children in Guatemala. The goal is to keep the children healthy and to keep them, particularly the girls, in school. The Palatine Club along with over 20 other clubs from 8 districts made substantial contributions toward this goal! Thank you Narayan for leading this project!
Scott Thompson, Superintendent of School District 15, delivered a presentation about Rotary!
Officer Kellie Poliquin of the Palatine Police Department spoke to us about Frauds and Scams. Pictured here with President (and Chief) Al.
Dr. Kenneth Ender, fifth president of William Rainey Harper College, came to talk to us about the Promise Scholarship Program. Harper College is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year!
As a team project, the Exchange Students of District 6440, 2012-2013, created this video!