Full list of Speakers at the Rotary Club of Palatine
2025-06-24 Club Business - Classification Talk: Al2025-05-27 Club Business - Classification Talk: Melissa2025-04-22 Club Business - Classification Talks: Jacquese and the New Director2025-03-25 Club Business - Classification Talk: Aleena2025-03-18 Marg Duer - Sister Cities2025-03-11 Officer Frank Jerz - Palatine Police Department - Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT)2025-02-25 Club Business - Classification Talk: Liz2025-02-11 Hugh Brady and Anne Campbell - Referendum on a Palatine Community Mental Health Board2025-01-28 Club Business - Classification Talk: Bill2025-01-21 Joe Petykowski - Palatine Historical Society - Palatine's Pioneer Cemeteries2025-01-07 Mike Thompson - AARP - Tax-Aide (the program to help seniors prepare their tax returns, etc.)2024-12-31 Unofficial breakfast at Annie's2024-12-24 Unofficial breakfast at Annie's2024-12-10 Club Business - Classification Talk Joe Mazzocchi2024-11-26 Club Business - Classification Talk: Mike2024-11-05 Ross Spencer - Shelterbox - Shelterbox, Rotary, and the Response to Hurricanes Milton and Helene2024-10-22 Club Business - Classification Talk: Farzeen2024-10-15 Beth Deiter - C.I.T.Y. of Support (Children In Therapy and You) - Supporting ALL families of children in therapy, regardless of diagnosis2024-10-08 Club Business - Classification Talk: Chuck2024-10-01 Thor Davidson - District 6440 - District Governor Visit2024-08-27 Club Business - Classification Talk: Ken Spengler2024-08-06 NO MORNING MEETING - Evening BBQ for Little Sisters of the Poor2024-07-23 Club Business - Classification Talk: Hank2024-07-16 Donna Gulley - Rotary District 6440 - Global Grants and Shelter Box2024-07-02 Club Business2024-06-25 Installation Dinner at Jane's House - 5PM - no morning meeting - See June 18 Meeting Minutes for details2024-06-18 Rachel Gilmore - Children's Advocacy Center of North and Northwest Cook County2024-06-11 Club Business2024-06-04 Franki Jo Beckwith - Kenneth Young Center - Fostering healthier communities through counseling for adults, children, and families2024-05-21 Sue Minott - American Cancer Society2024-05-07 Deana Liss - Elderwerks2024-04-30 Palatine Cool Cities - Eric Bindler & Rita _______2024-04-23 Ben Bosco - Palatine Fire Dept2024-04-16 Jared Chimil - Greater Family Health2024-04-09 Club Business - Oktoberfest Sponsorships2024-04-02 Kate Johnson - Pal Twp Senior Council2024-03-26 Cindy Erwin - Boys and Girls Club2024-03-19 Ilinca Wallace - Birth to Five Illinois2024-03-12 Club Business2024-03-05 Carrie Estrada - NW CASA2024-02-27 Lourdes Becerra - Access to Care2024-02-20 Rachel Stevens - Palatine HS Boosters2024-02-13 Natalie Rodriguez - Hopeful Beginnings2024-02-06 Amie Granger - Harper College Foundation2024-01-30 Glenn Garlick - Rotary End Polio Now2024-01-23 Club Business2024-01-16 NO MEETING - Groot Field Trip2024-01-09 NO MEETING - weather2024-01-02 Club Business2023-12-26 NO MEETING - Holiday2023-12-19 NO MEETING - Holiday Party2023-12-12 Sarah Swiston & Rachel Martin - Wings2023-12-05 Linda Hall - Connect to Community2023-11-28 Sister Amy Marie - Little Sisters of the Poor2023-11-21 NO MEETING - Cancelled2023-11-14 Lauren Chilvers - OMNI2023-11-07 Zoe McGrath - Shelter Inc.2023-10-31 Fred Stupen - Self Reliance Assoc2023-10-24 Kathy Millin - POC2023-10-17 Club business2023-10-10 District Governor Mary Bak - Rotary District 6440 - District Governor Annual Visit2023-10-03 Taylor Kanara - Children's Advocacy Center2023-09-26 2023-09-19 NO MEETING - following Oktoberfest2023-09-12 Fred Hall - Palatine Park Foundation2023-09-05 Club Business - Oktoberfest Prep2023-08-29 Kristen A. Newby - Environmental Club at Fremd2023-08-15 Erica Chianelli - Family Forward2023-08-08 Tom Lucas - Bike Palatine Club2023-08-01 Ruby Arun - Mission Math Minds2023-07-25 Elise Larsen - Special Gifts Theater2023-07-18 Dan Dunne - Excel Beyond 2112023-07-11 Kris Salyards - The Bridge - The Bridge Youth and Family Services2023-07-04 NO MEETING TUESDAY MORNING - Instead, come to the Fourth of July Parade - We're marching in slot 24, from N Cedar street north of Wilson, starting at 10:30AM on Saturday July 1. Bring family & friends! See you there!2023-06-26 Amanda Moller - Greener Good - Greener Good makes reclaimed and reusable materials donated by individuals and businesses available to be used by crafters, artists and kids2023-06-20 Puppies! Meeting at 5PM at Second City Canine Rescue till 6:30 dinner - As a service project, we'll be weeding and then meeting puppies. - No morning meeting!2023-06-13 Club Business - RCoP 2023-2024 & Clubrunner Q&A2023-06-06 Officer Nicholas Heuertz - Palatine Police Department2023-05-23 Club Business
2023-05-09 CLub Business2023-05-02 Megan O'Brien - SLSF - History and Present of the Palatine Hills Golf Classic2023-04-25 Kim O'Brien and Kristin Miller - Home of the Sparrow 2023-04-18 Volunteer @ Feed My Starving Children in place of regular morning meeting. - See signup sheet in the Meeting Minutes2023-04-11 Kate Johnson - Palatine Senior Center2023-04-04 TBD2023-03-28 No Meeting Members are strongly encouraged to participate in - Palatine Park District Hound Egg Hunt on 3/25 10AM to Noon - Please see minutes for signup info2023-03-21 No Meeting following last week's Allocation Event2023-03-14 Meschac St. Amour - Habitat For Children Ministries,Inc. - Haiti Ministries2023-03-07 Eric Bindler - Palatine Cool Cities - local environmental initiatives2023-02-28 Javier Erazo - Groot - Local Recycling2023-02-21 International Service - ShelterBox2023-02-14 Ruby Arun - Mission:MathMinds - Empowering girls in STEM2023-02-07 Classification Talks2023-01-31 Evening Meeting Kathy Millin - Partners for Our Communities - 6:00 at POC 1585 N. Rand Road, Palatine
2023-01-24 Beth Sousa - The Palatine Public Library - The library's new referral services and other community projects2023-01-17 Brett Weiss - Weiss Scholarship Foundation - Sponsoring Children in Kenya2023-01-10 Jenny Wells and Commander Watson - Palatine Police Department Boosters2023-01-03 Club Business2022-12-27 NO MEETING In keeping with our recent history, there will not be a club meeting between Christmas and New Year2022-12-20 NO MEETING - Please sign up for the Holiday Party for Venezuelan Families2022-12-13 Officer Kellie Poliquin - Palatine Police Department - Palatine Crime Update & Preventing Fraud2022-12-06 Lance Dailey - Habitat for Humanity2022-11-29 Two Truths and a Lie2022-11-22 Joseph Musolino - Rotary District 6440 - Membership Campaign2022-11-15 Sister Amy Marie - Little Sisters of the Poor2022-11-08 CLUB BUSINESS2022-11-01 Maria Roxas - Oak Street Health - Healthcare for Medicare Enrollees2022-10-25 Glenn Garlick - Rotary District 6440 End Polio Now Chair - Polio Eradication Update2022-10-18 Steve Colello - Jewel2022-10-11 Steve Gaus - Business Development Director - Palatine Area Chamber of Commerce2022-10-04 Reid Ottesen - Village Manager, Village of Palatine - State of the Village2022-09-27 Jim Zwiefelhofer - Center for Independence Through Conductive Education-NW - Helping children and young adults with disabilities achieve their highest level of independence2022-09-20 NO MEETING Oktoberfest Break!2022-09-13 Club Business - Oktoberfest Final Prep2022-09-06 NO MORNING MEETING - Evening Installation 6PM Upstairs at Lamplighter's2022-08-30 Sarah Swiston - WINGS - Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence2022-08-23 Fun & Frolic - reschedule2022-08-16 District Governor Bill Kmiecik - District 6440 - Annual DG Meeting2022-08-09 Evening Social No morning meeting - Beer & Brat's 6PM at Jane's place! - (BYOB & bring a side / snack / dessert) Sign up from Email Link!2022-08-02 Victor Miceli - From the organization known as "Friends of Rotary"2022-07-26 Ken Spengler - Electric Trains2022-07-19 Kristy Malone - Oasis Senior Advisors2022-07-12 Guy and Anita Courtney - Sanacora - Coral Reef Restoration & Education2022-07-05 Club Business - The new Rotary year2022-06-28 Hunter Buyington - Closer Consulting - Rotay membership digital program2022-06-22 Dedication of the Reading Room - Palatine Library - 6:00PM, out to dinner afterward2022-06-21 NO MEETING - Meeting at the Library 6:00 tomorrow2022-06-07 7:15 Meeting at 4880 Euclid Ave., Palatine IL - Colin's Eagle Scout Project - Little Library2022-05-31 Patrick Grazianna - Chief of the Palatine Fire Department2022-05-24 Superintendent Dr. Laurie Heinz - Community Consolidated School District 152022-05-24 Dr. Laurie Heinz - D15 Beyond Boundaries2022-05-17 Join us for our first meeting on Tuesday at The Grand. Thanks to our former host, The Red Apple, where we recently held meetings on Mondays.2022-05-02 Classification talk for David2022-04-25 Classification talk for JP and Jane.2022-04-11 Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA)/Special Leisure Services Foundation (SLSF)2022-04-04 Update from Board Meeting2022-03-28 Don Sandel - GoPositiv - Founder, Author, Speaker, 2022-03-21 Second City Canine Rescue evening meeting - Second City Canine Rescue2022-03-14 Colleen Getz - Connect for Community2022-03-07 Bill Buchta - Rotary Club of Palatine - Rotary Foundation2022-02-28 Update from Board Meeting2022-02-21 Lindsay Schubel - Palatine Jaycees2022-02-14 Anne Campbell - United Palatine Coalition2022-02-07 David Sweet - Author - Three Seconds in Munich - The David Sweet - Three Seconds in Munich: The Controversial 1972 Olympic Basketball Final2022-01-31 Update from Board Meeting2022-01-24 Katie Russell - INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION2022-01-10 Marina Mattingly - Rotary Club of Carol Stream - Carol Stream Golf Outing2021-12-20 Review Oktoberfest Results, quick meeting2021-12-13 Mike Zanillo - Citizens' Climate Lobby - Environment and Climate2021-12-06 Update from Board Meeting2021-11-29 John Nanni - MOT Rotary Club Middletown DE - His Polio Journey2021-11-22 Kris Salyards - The Bridge2021-11-15 Phil Martin - PJM Consulting - Going Beyond Merely Communicating to Clearly Connecting.2021-11-08 Classification Talks2021-11-01 Kate Halma - True Blue Dogs2021-10-25 District Governor Kevin Stevens2021-10-18 Steve Gaus - Palatine Chamber of Commerce2021-10-11 Announcement & business discussions2021-10-04 Jeannie Dilger - Palatine Library Foundation2021-09-27 Steve Colello - Jewel2021-09-13 Board meeting business discussions and Oktoberfest questions2021-08-30 Jim Schwantz - Mayor of Palatine2021-08-23 Chuck Warner - Faith Community Homes2021-08-16 Anita Courtney - Coral Reef Restoration2021-07-26 Kristin Scott - Be the Match Foundation2021-02-18 Vitaliy Bezrodnov - RCF (formerly known as "Rotary Childrens Fund" and the International Cultural Exchange Program GOLDEN GATES2021-02-04 Chris Stein - US National Park Service2020-12-03 High Speed Rail Illinois2020-11-12 John Hannes - Rotary International Senior Officer - Club and District Support2020-11-05 Richard Rosen - District 6440 Literacy Chair2020-10-29 Lyle Staab - District 6440 Governor2020-10-22 Marg Duer - Palatine Village Clerk2020-09-17 Martha Weiss and Jeff Weiss - Buffalo Creek Clean Water Partnership - Environmental Stewardship2020-09-10 Rotarian Bill Wittich - Growing Membership - Stop Recruiting and Start Attracting2020-07-30 Dr. Ed Kerr - Palatine Library Foundation - StoryWalk Project at Hamilton Park2020-04-09 Begin Zoom social meetings Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM - email info@palatinerotary.com for login credentials - Havin' Fun, Doin' Good, Maybe Both!2020-03-31 No Meeting - Corona Cancelled2020-03-24 No Meeting - Corona Cancelled2020-03-17 No Meeting - Corona Cancelled2020-02-25 Mike Clark - Palatine Park District2020-02-18 Red Apple2020-02-11 Kathy Splett - Special Lesiure Services Foundation2020-02-04 Red Apple2020-01-28 Red Apple2020-01-21 Red Apple2020-01-14 Dr. Laurie Heinz - District 152020-01-07 Richard Rosen - District 6440 Literacy Program2019-12-31 No Meeting Happy New Year!2019-12-24 No Meeting Merry Christmas2019-12-03 Steve Gaus - Chamber of Commerce - Young Entrepreneur's Academy2019-11-26 Breakfast Meeting at the Red Apple2019-11-19 Morning Meeting at Red Apple2019-11-12 Narayan Murarka - Guatemala Water Project2019-11-05 Chuck Warner - Faith Community Homes2019-10-29 Kate Johnson - Palatine Township Senior Center2019-10-22 Hugh Brady - The Housing Task Force2019-10-15 Suzane Gibson - District 6440 - Annual District Governor Visit2019-10-08 David Kahan - WINGS2019-10-01 No Meeting - Post-Oktoberfest Recovery2019-09-24 Club Business - Post-Oktoberfest Debrief2019-09-17 Club Business - Pre-Oktoberfest Final Prep2019-09-10 Rhoda Dehn - Morkes Chocolate - Chocolate Making2019-08-27 Kevin Kuhn - Cook County Forest Preserve2019-08-20 Cancelled EVENING MEETING - 6:30PM at Salt Creek2019-08-13 Club Business2019-08-06 Club Business2019-07-30 Club Business - Oktoberfest2019-07-26 Friday Night Installation - Salt Creek 6PM2019-07-23 NO MEETING2019-07-09 Jo Ann Pallay2019-07-02 No Meeting!2019-06-25 Narayan Murarka - Water Projects2019-06-18 Evening Meeting - Club Nite Out2019-06-11 Ed Connelly - Northwest Compass2019-06-04 Gage Bachamann - Eagle Scout Project2019-05-28 Erin Layden - Willowhouse2019-05-21 Evening Meeting - 6:00PM at the Red Apple2019-05-14 Cook, Cork & Fork - Knives2019-05-07 Club Business2019-04-30 Louis Vasseur - The Blues Brothers Meeting2019-04-23 Don Patlak - Cook County Board of Review - Taxes2019-04-16 EVENING MEETING - Salsa Street 1272 Rand Rd 6:00 PM - Club Business2019-04-09 Eric Waller - Signature Popcorn2019-04-02 Club Business2019-03-26 Little Sisters of the Poor2019-03-19 Club Business2019-03-12 Jeannie Dilger - Palatine Library - Upcoming Referendum2019-03-05 Logan Bayer - Eagle Scout Project2019-02-26 American Cancer Society2019-02-19 EVENING MEETING2019-02-12 CANCELLED due to weather2019-02-05 Club Business2019-01-29 MEETING CANCELLED2019-01-22 Brett Weiss - W. Scholarships Foundation2019-01-15 EVENING MEETING2019-01-08 Jean Schlinkman - S-Hoff-Est Rotary Club - ACE Global Grant2019-01-01 NO MEETING - Happy New Year!2018-12-25 NO MEETING - Merry Christmas!2018-12-18 SPECIAL MORNING MEETING - Club Business2018-12-11 Scott Thompson and Kelly Mollenhauer - Rotary in Virtual Reality2018-12-04 Jonelle Bailey - Salvation Army2018-11-27 Brett Weiss - Weiss Scholarship Foundation - Empowering kids in Kenya2018-11-20 EVENING MEETING - Community Resource Center, 1585 Rand Road 5:00-5:30 then Salsa Street 1272 Rand Rd from 5:45-6:00 to 7:00 - NCH Health and Wellness Wing at POC2018-11-13 Paula Sexton - Neptune Society2018-11-06 Tim Hetzner & Rich Martin - Lutheran Church Charities - Canine Ministries / With a service dog!2018-10-30 Kelly Kloker - ATI Physical Therapy2018-10-23 Dr. Kenneth Ender, President - Harper College2018-10-16 SPECIAL MORNING MEETING - Club Business - With District Governor Julie Clark2018-10-09 Anna Marquardt - Fellowship Housing in Hoffman Estates2018-10-02 Club Business2018-09-25 NO MEETING2018-09-18 Club Business - Oktoberfest wrap-up2018-09-11 Club Business2018-09-04 Special Oktoberfest Version of Club Business2018-08-28 Tom Morrison - Illinois State Representative2018-08-21 EVENING MEETING 6:00PM at the Salt Creek Park Deck2018-08-14 Shelley Welch Sr. - WINGS2018-08-07 Club Business & RYLA presentation2018-07-31 Nolan Sheets - Lake Cook Exteriors2018-07-24 Chris - Earth Paint2018-07-17 EVENING MEETING2018-07-10 Commissioner Patlak - Cook County Bd of Review2018-07-03 NO MEETING2018-06-26 Jeff Miller - Survivor of UA 232 Crash in Iowa2018-06-19 EVENING INSTALLATION MEETING - At the American Legion - Starting at 6:00 PM2018-06-05 Club Business2018-05-29 Don Arnold - Drops of Mercy2018-05-22 Nathan Gerowitz - Holistic Healthcare2018-05-15 EVENING MEETING - Dr. Rob's business at 4880 Euclid Ave, Palatine - Evening Social2018-05-08 Jerry Evans - Toastmasters2018-05-01 Club Business2018-04-24 Teri Dreher - NS Patient Advocates2018-04-17 EVENING MEETING - Tap House - Evening Social2018-04-10 ShelterBox Presentation2018-04-03 Club Business2018-03-27 Besa Sadiku - Rotary Club in Kosovo2018-03-20 EVENING MEETING 6:30PM - At Journeys The Road Home - 1140 E Northwest Hwy, Palatine2018-03-13 Steve Gaus - Palatine Chamber of Commerce - YEA Program2018-03-06 Club Business2018-02-27 Sandy Ziesak, SW - Palatine Police Department2018-02-20 District 211 Business Incubator Program2018-02-13 Ann Portmann RN - Journey Care2018-02-06 Club Business2018-01-30 Rotary Basics2018-01-23 Officer Kellie Poliquin - Palatine Police - Personal Safety / When to call 9112018-01-16 Club Business2018-01-09 Ann Portman RN - Journeycare - Advance Directives2018-01-02 No Meeting!2017-12-26 No Meeting!2017-12-19 Officer Kellie Poliquin - Palatine Police - Frauds & Scams2017-12-12 Club Business2017-12-05 Dr. Kenneth Ender - William Rainey Harper College - Promise Scholarship Program2017-11-28 District Governor Don Brewer - Rotary District 64402017-11-21 Officer Kellie Poliquin - Palatine Police - Burglary Prevention2017-11-14 Valerie Blatz - Organ Donation2017-11-07 Club Business2017-10-31 Chris Campbell - Career Place2017-10-24 Carolyn Muir - Ingage Unlimited2017-10-17 Scott Johnson - RYLA Student Experience2017-10-10 Pat Driscoll - Real Estate Market Update2017-10-03 Club Business2017-09-26 No Meeting!2017-09-19 Oktoberfest Wrap-Up2017-09-05 Club Business2017-08-29 Jo Ann Palley2017-08-22 Timothy Reiss - Boy Scout Jamboree Report2017-08-15 Kevin Chapman - Bagpiper2017-08-08 Ken Spengler - Science Fun2017-08-01 Club Business2017-06-13 Robert Beezat - www.robertbeezat.com - Character Based Management2017-05-30 Matt Bickel - https://www.facebook.com/communityengagementd15/ - Palatine School District 15 Community Engagement Committee2017-05-16 Terry Parke - Boy Scouts of America2017-05-09 Rachel - American Cancer Society2017-05-02 Club Business2017-04-25 Annette Forster - Kids for Hope2017-04-18 Georgia Koch - Career Vision - Aptitude Testing2017-04-11 Betsy Skibinski - Alzheimers2017-04-04 Club Business2017-03-28 Georgia Koch - Career Vision2017-03-21 Our own Emma - Speaking about her home in Germany2017-03-14 Ben Pohl - Distracted Driving2017-03-07 Club Business2017-02-28 Ellen Young - District 6440 - Paul Harris Society2017-02-21 Bill Kmiecik - Rotary Foundation - Annual Fund2017-02-14 Carol Wells - End Polio Now2017-02-07 Monica Packe - Visiting from Uruguay2017-01-24 Mick Csome - Metropolitan Water Reclamation District2017-01-17 Terry Parke - BSA2017-01-03 Club Business2016-12-27 No Meeting!2016-12-20 Carol Singing2016-12-13 Club Business2016-12-06 Ed Haag - Identity Theft2016-09-27 No Meeting - After-Oktoberfest Break2016-09-20 Club Business - Oktoberfest Wrap-Up2016-09-13 Club Business - Oktoberfest Planning2016-08-16 Amy Sawislak - Sora Products2016-08-02 Dr. Michael Rakotz - The American Medical Association - Controlling High Blood Pressure Will Save More Lives Than Any Other Medical Intervention2016-05-10 Club Business2016-05-03 Nanette Sowa - NWSRA2016-04-26 Jan Gibson - Genesee Theatre2016-04-19 RCoP Members - Favorite Trips2016-04-12 Club Business2016-04-05 Chuck Werner - Faith Community Homes2016-03-29 Jim Valek - Palatine Water Department2016-03-22 Matt Brandt - Cook County Camping - Camp Reinberg2016-03-15 Joe Petykowski - Palatine Historical Society - The Streets of Palatine2016-03-08 Club Business2015-11-24 Paula Jablonski, RN - Integrative Nutritional Health Coach2015-11-17 Josh Staske - ABCs of Investing2015-11-10 Club Business2015-11-03 Josef Lahood-Olsen - ServiceWorks2015-10-20 Tim Ryan - A Man in Recovery Foundation - Founder2015-10-13 Club Business2015-10-06 Greg Stockey - Bridge Youth and Family Services2015-09-29 Sue Minot - Village of Palatine - Palatine's 150th Anniversary Celebration2015-09-22 Oktoberfest Planning2015-09-15 Nancy Robb & Jeff Butzen - Palatine Promise Program2015-09-08 Club Business2015-09-01 Chris - Primrose Schools2015-07-28 Lance Daily - Habitat for Humanity2015-07-21 District Governor Rodney Adams - District 64402015-07-14 Club Business2015-07-07 Elizabeth Corrado - Elevate Energy2015-04-21 Drs. Britten-Fazzio & La Porte - Innovative Dentistry2015-04-14 Club Business2015-04-07 Yves - Haitian Well Projects2015-03-31 Speaker from LYDIA Home2015-03-24 Carlos Frum - Guatemalan Water Project2015-03-17 Desmond Clark2015-03-10 Club Business2015-03-03 Sandy Sullivan - Author of Lombardi Stories2015-02-24 Dr. Nancy Robb - Harper Promise Program2015-02-17 Mary Dulabaum - Judson University2015-02-10 Club Business2015-02-03 Natalya Damato - Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA)2015-01-27 Elizabeth Newton - Allowance for Good www.allowanceforgood.org - Founder and Executive Director2015-01-20 Judy Miekle - Organ Recipient2015-01-13 Club Business2015-01-06 Carlos Frum - Guatemalan Water Project2014-12-30 No Meeting!2014-12-23 No Meeting! 2014-12-16 Bob Ross2014-12-09 Club Business - Club Officers2014-12-02 Lorraine Dillon - righttobefree.org2014-11-25 Mike Young - Kids Around the World2014-11-18 Chris Svec - Northrup Grumman2014-11-11 Club Business2014-11-04 Classification Talks2014-10-28 Ashley Richardson - The American Egg Board - The Incredible Egg and You2014-10-21 Dan Rezac - Quest Academy - Technology in Education2014-10-14 Club Meeting2014-10-07 Chelsie Scoggin-Chang - FOUNDATIONS Counseling and Education Center - Mindfulness2014-09-30 No Meeting - Oktoberfest Break2014-09-23 Julie Selof - Palatine Senior Center2014-09-16 Robert Ross - Law Offices of Robert Ross - Illinois Estate Taxes: Post-Death Estate Planning2014-09-09 Club Business2014-09-02 TBD - TBD2014-08-26 John Huston - Polar Explorations2014-08-19 Rock Lochner - Executive Business Coach - Chicago2014-08-12 Club Business - Bylaws2014-08-05 Bill Durkin - Author of "Strive to Thrive Today!"2014-07-29 Jason English - Physics of the Very Small2014-07-22 District Governor Ellen Young2014-07-15 Bylaws Discussion2014-07-08 Club Business2014-07-01 NO MORNING MEETING - Installation Dinner at Durty Nellies - 6:00PM2014-05-27 Lori Corrigan - FOUNDATIONS Counseling and Education Center2014-05-20 Rhonda - Read To Learn2014-05-13 Club Business2014-05-06 No Meeting - Rotary Plaza Dedication and Reception - Starting at 4:30 this evening2014-04-29 Naruedon "Don" Wattanakul - Rotary Club of Palatine Exchange Student - Thailand2014-04-22 Representative Tom Cross - 84th District of the State of Illinois - State Budget2014-04-15 Ben Hedge - Batteries + Bulbs - New Lighting Technology2014-04-08 Club Business2014-04-01 Dave Gonnella - Gonnella Bread Company2014-03-25 Club Members - Memorable Travel Destinations2014-03-18 Kate Kleiva - Schaumburg Boomers Baseball Club2014-03-11 Club Business2014-03-04 Children's Advocacy Center2014-02-25 Us! - Travel: Memorable Destinations2014-02-18 Mary Jo Zeller - Life Transitions for Increased Care2014-02-11 Susanne Glazbrook - LA Book Project2014-02-04 Andy Buchta - Nicole jackson Foundation - Iron Man Competition for Charity2013-12-31 No Meeting - New Year's Eve2013-12-24 No Meeting - Christmas Eve2013-12-17 Caroling and RCoP Banner Redesign by Harper College2013-12-10 Club Business2013-12-03 PADS to Hope2013-11-26 Chris Campbell - Career Place2013-11-19 Palatine Opportunity Center - Farm Report2013-11-12 Club Business2013-11-05 Geoff Gephart - Pulmonary Hypertension Association - Midwest2013-10-29 Bill Fisher - National Pork Board - Operation Main Street2013-10-22 Heather Walser - Estate Planning2013-10-15 Jeff Scanlan - Comedian2013-10-08 Chris Campbell - Career Place2013-10-01 No Meeting - Oktoberfest Break2013-09-24 Ayuba Gufwan - Wheels of Hope - Ayuba is a Polio survivor and Rotarian from Jos, Nigeria YouTube video where Ayuba speaks about his experience with polio in Nigeria at the Global Polio Eradication Initiative in Geneva, Switzerland2013-09-17 Oktoberfest Planning2013-09-10 Oktoberfest Planning2013-09-03 Fred Schroeder - Disaster Restoration and Prevention2013-08-27 Nanette Sowa - North West Special Recrecation (NWSRA)2013-08-20 2013-08-13 Club Business2013-08-06 Naara Júlia de Souza - Rotary Club of Palatine Exchange Student2013-07-30 Bob Davidson2013-07-23 Sarah Oliver - Rotary District 6440 - Official DG Visit2013-07-16 Ben Pahlow - Africa Family Rescue2013-07-09 Club Business2013-06-18 No Morning Meeting - Please join us for the Installation Dinner 6PM Smith Street Station (Durty Nellie's)2013-06-11 Club Business2013-06-04 Maureen - WINGS2013-05-28 Club Business2013-05-21 Hugh Brady - North-Northwest Task Force on Supportive Housing2013-05-14 Dorothy Drummond - The Arab Spring and the Peace Process2013-05-07 Habitat for Humanity2013-04-30 Mike Thompson - Family Hope Charity2013-04-23 Naara2013-04-16 Ron Jordan - CEDA2013-04-09 Club Business2013-04-02 Greg Stockey - The Bridge Youth and Family Services2013-03-26 Cindy Ross - Project CURE2013-03-19 C.H. Dyer - Bright Hope2013-03-12 Club Business2013-03-05 Narayan Murarka - Guatemala Project2013-02-26 Sharon Vandarlaan - Palatine Wellness Place2013-02-19 Dan Kuhn - Rainbow Hospice - Comfort Care for Advanced Dementia2013-02-12 Club Business2013-02-05 Jerry Evans - Harper College Toastmasters2013-01-29 Sandy Soria - Northwest Community Hospital2013-01-22 Peter Maslanka - Energy Impact Illinois2013-01-15 P Siegel - e195.org2013-01-08 Club Business2013-01-01 No Meeting - New Year's Day2012-12-25 No Meeting - Christmas2012-12-18 Walter Reed - Future Vision2012-12-11 Club Business2012-12-04 Dick Cavanaugh2012-11-27 Matt Bickel - Wold Architects2012-11-20 Karl Scharnar - Alghrim's Funeral Home2012-11-13 Emmett's Brewery2012-11-13 Club Business2012-10-30 Mike Jacobs - Village of Palatine - TIFs2012-10-23 Shelter Box2012-10-16 Terri Storino - School District 15 - Blue Jays2012-10-09 Club Business2012-10-02 Ron Crawford - Guatemala Project2012-09-25 No Meeting!2012-09-18 Palatine Senior Center2012-09-11 Club Business2012-09-04 Kelly Thon - Knueppers - Winter Gardens and Feeding Birds2012-08-28 Savannah - Palatine Patch2012-08-21 Rotary Fellowships, Group Study Exchange Program2012-08-14 Club Business2012-08-07 George Couris - Marketing Landscape in a Digital World2012-07-31 Lincolnshire Club - Dominican Computer Project2012-07-24 United Way2012-07-17 Ken Chalmers - Membership Survey Results2012-07-03 Mike Yesner - New District 6440 Governer2012-06-19 George Couris - Marketing Landscape in a Digital World2012-06-12 Palatine Jaycees2012-06-05 Robert Beezat - Author of Knowing and Loving: the Keys to Real Happiness2012-05-29 May Yang2012-05-15 Steve Peskind - Compassionate Care Hospice2012-05-08 Shin-Shn Lin - Quest Academy - Chinese Langauge2012-05-01 Tamara Kist - Tesseract Theatre2012-04-24 Dr. Wendy Hutton - Healthy Living to 1002012-04-17 Beth Drucker - Going Green2012-04-03 No Speaker